Wednesday, December 21, 2011

On the water


Post-processing.  It's a skill and an art, that's for sure.  I have so much to learn.  I use Lightroom and am enjoying it more as I learn how to use it.  Slowly, slowly I'm learning but there's still so much I don't know how to do.  Some of the photos I take I love straight out of the camera, but I've also found that editing brings many of them to life in a way that I truly love.  For instance, the first picture of Emory in this post is one of my favorites I have of her.  The color brings out her eyes so much.  And those eyes of hers always seem to smile!  And the pictures of Mark and Trey bring tears to my eyes.  Editing is something I've really begun to enjoy with photography.  

Sunset at the beach a couple of months ago.